how to work from home with a toddler

My work situation is interesting in that i work from home two full days each week. Because of the large amount of time spent working at home, I often get the question “how do you get any work from home done with a toddler to take care of?” The answer for me is simple.

Jackson has always been fantastic at I dependent play. I simply make the “office” into a place that he actually wants to spend time. Of course, he is spoiled so its now more of a playroom, but the point is that I can get a ton of work done while he keeps himself entertained with access to all of his tractors, trains, books, and puzzles. It’s better for us than having him staring at the TV all day, and I am able to join him whenever I feel like it ;).

I also try to log as few hours in the times that he is most active as possible. I can bank on him napping for a solid 2-3 hours in the afternoon, so I always use that time to make calls and really get the things that require extra concentration taken care of.

I am also happy to push 2-3 hours of work each day to 6 or 7 pm. Daddy has come home so Jackson is more interested in him at that particular moment and then I take a break to put him to bed and finish up by 8 or 9 pm.

Things work really well for us this way because I get to maximize my time spent with Jackson – we can still have play dates, park time, swim lessons, and hours outdoors. But the key is that I still have a workspace where he can be happily occupied for HOURS if I absolutely can’t push the work stuff off to nap or bedtime.

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