Baby Brother | 21 Weeks

I cannot believe that we are at 21 weeks already! We are more than halfway through this pregnancy.  This means that there are less weeks remaining than the number of weeks we have already kissed goodbye! I don’t know if it is because I have Jack to keep me busy, or just the heat of the summer, but this second pregnancy is going soooo much faster than the last.

Now that we know its a baby brother, we have spent a good deal of times disagreeing on names :).. Zac likes one name, and I feel just okay about it.  I like a different name and he feels just okay about it.  Maybe I will wait until I push the thing out so that he feels super grateful for all the work I did bearing his child, and this way I can pick whatever name I want ;).  We have asked Jackson a few times what we should name him, and his responses so far are: Stu (the only actual name on the list), pshhhhh, ipad, & excagator. All totally acceptable options, don’t you think?

The baby is becoming more active and stretches out several times each day now. Last week at the 20 week anatomy scan the ultrasound tech told me that the baby already weighs a pound.  It seemed like a lot for this early on, and got me dreading the giant birth weight this kid is destined to have.  J was 9 lbs even and TWENTY TWO inches long with a 14.5 inch head circumference, and I feel like the second baby is usually bigger than the first. I had a drug-free (natural) birth with Jack, and intend to do so again, so the size is a concern for me. Last time I had no idea that he was going to be 9 lbs. This time it is the fear of the known, rather than the unknown. I know what the pain feels like, and while I am able to better prepare because of that, I also worry that I will not prepare as well.  In any case, I don’t think it would have felt less bad to push out a 7 lb baby than a 9 lb baby. I had pretty much the worst kind of tear you can have, and I didn’t even really feel it happen (thank you adrenaline).

My favorite thing these days is Jackson’s involvement with his baby brother.  He loves trying to sneak a peek in my belly button (and always says ” I SEE HIM!!!”), feel for kicks, and includes him in the most random thoughts throughout the day.  We have a newborn photo of Jackson at the bottom of the staircase, and he swears that it is baby brother and will go try to give him things, and each morning he points to it and says “baby brother!!!”

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