Rolling Thunder


Grandma & Grandpa got Jackson a little flag, which is nice, because the kid seriously loves flags.  Zac had the brilliant idea to hook it up to his bike – you know, channeling the rolling thunder bikers we see ample amounts of every memorial day in this area. Jack has been completely and utterly thrilled with the new addition to his bike.  He keeps checking to make sure its “flagging back dere”


This age is so fun.  You can make a year old toy new again, just by putting a flag on the back. His language skills are also exploding by the day.  This evening when Zac came home, he had a full conversation with him:

J: Hi Daddy!

Z: Hi Bubba.  How was your Day?

J: Good, I went to Grandma and Graypa

Z: That’s nice, what did you do there?

J: Have fun!

ImageHe speaks in full sentences, uses possessive tenses perfectly, and has a better memory than I do.  He watches Jake & the Neverland Pirates maybe once every two week.  The pirate crew always says “Aw, Coconuts!” when something goes wrong, and for the past few days whenever something “goes wrong” for Jack he exclaims “AW COCONUTS!”  Cutest phrase ever, and way better than the alternative (you know, the profanity that I accidentally taught him)

ImageAnd just because he is such a nugget, and I don’t have much else to say, here are just a few more photos of rolling thunder in action:


Have a lovely week my friends!


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