Number Two | 25 Weeks

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I snapped this photo two weeks ago at 23 weeks, and I have definitely gotten much larger since then.

The second photo is one of the first photos I took of my Jackson bump – at 26 weeks.  I think I am much bigger this time!

I am 25 weeks now, and at my appointment yesterday I was almost in shock realizing that this is the last time there is a 4-week break between appointments, and that I am about to do the dreaded (but really not that bad at all) glucose test, get a rhogam shot, and begin bi-weekly OB visits. It is absurd how quickly this pregnancy is flying by compared to the last.  Maybe it is because last time I just worked full time, but this time I work AND have a two year old keeping me busy.  In any case, I can’t believe that I am well over halfway through this last pregnancy, and actually trying to slow things down a bit and savor the last time I will experience the amazing miracle that is growing another human. There really is nothing more fascinating in this world. SO.  here is a rundown of where we are these days: I am up 10 lbs.  The baby should weigh about 2 lbs (mine are big, I am betting he is 3.5 lbs ;)), dreadful hip pain set in at Disney, but luckily I stopped walking so much and it went away, we cannot agree on any names (kid will be nameless forever, i think), and all I want to do is eat peach anything. I’m also thinking of taking up the daily (sometimes two daily) milkshake habit I had with Jackson – that was really fun, and I think quite necessary. Another really fantastic development (sense sarcasm here) is that I suddenly feel like I don’t have nearly enough time to accomplish everything that needs to be done before this baby comes (105 days till my due date, by the way), so now I am frantically trying to get Jack’s big boy room put together, create a nursery, finish moving into our house and settling in, and so much more. I also have 3 weddings, a couple birthday parties, and other miscellaneous events happening before birth day, so the pressure’s on now. Probably unnecessarily so, but still…hormones, ya’ll.

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