Social Media!

I am a big fan of social media. I love the way it connects people, the ease of staying in touch with family & friends, and thought I would let you readers know about a few of my social media sites in case you are interested in keeping up with our happenings!

Facebook Fan Page:

I thought that some of my childless friends or colleagues may be getting fed up with all of my baby spam these days on facebook, so I decided to create a fan page for this little blog of mine.  If you aren’t (or are!) on tumblr and want to keep up with my new posts, feel free to stop by and ‘like’ the page, and all of the new posts here will show up in your facebook news feed. Here is a link to our brand new page!


I can’t guarantee that I have anything interesting to say at all, but I am on twitter. You can find me here:!/ChristyLately

That’s about it really.  I have linkedin and picasa, but they are far less interesting!

A little too excited to be grocery shopping!

New toy! Thanks aunt Angie & uncle Jason!

Jackson has a new trick!

Mind you, he can’t roll from front-back yet…he’s a little backwards 😉

Also please disregard the Mickey mouse clubhouse in the background-my niece and nephew are here and enjoy it very much!

Photo by Ali Caudill Photography

She has done it again you guys!!! Seriously, I cannot thank Ali enough for the beautiful pictures of my baby boy! Check out her blog post with a preview of all the photos here.


Leonard L. Lavoie

January 26, 1927 – July 21, 1999

This man was wonderful. My grandad. So strong, so happy, so warm and full of love. He was a family man, a soldier, a hard worker, a father, husband, and friend, but most of all fighter. A fighter of the terrible disease that cut his life short. All other men pale in comparison. He passed away 12 years ago today. Though he has been gone for quite some time, I think about him daily. What I wouldn’t give to have him back.

These photos were taken on one of the last days I saw him. I was in 8th grade. We flew out to Arizona on September 5, 1998 for my granparents’ 50th wedding anniversary party, held on September 8th. My grandparents had recently made the move to Arizona a couple years prior, due to the harsh winters on the east coast, as far as I can remember. It was my first plane ride. 4 hours long. City of Angels was played on that flight. Little did I know, Goo Goo Dolls “Iris” would be a song that I would always associate with the last time I saw my grandad, and it is eerily appropriate. When we arrived in Phoenix, we were greeted by my Uncle Barney. We drove to his house, and shortly thereafter, my grandparents came over. I was playing solitaire when they arrived. Grandad walked into the room and said ‘you better get out of that chair and give me a hug, girl!’ I distinctly remember my eyes welling up with tears as I saw him and hugged him. I had missed them so fiercely. I remember thinking to myself how foolish it was for me to cry at the time. As I sit here, a grown woman, I realize that it was perfect for me to cry, and I am grateful for that moment, as it has always stuck out in my mind. 

I remember being at the 50th anniversary party. It was my first limo ride, I ate filet mignon, and there were hundreds of photos taken. All of my aunts and uncles were there, along with their children. My dad is one of nine children. It was the first time they had been in one place in, probably, decades. There were drinks and dancing.I wore a white lacy dress with heels, and my older sister wore a black and white satin dress with heels. We were fancy & our hair was curled. It was a great celebration. I very clearly remember sitting at a table by myself. My grandad was a couple tables over, taking a break and watching all of the dancing. He was coughing pretty hard. I remember thinking to myself ‘something is not right with him. he seems really ill.’ The sadness I felt was unparalleled, and I still feel it just as freshly today. As I reflect on the great memories of my grandfather-their home in Hagerstown, MD, and cabin in the mountains of West Virginia, countless Thanksgivings spent together, exploring the wilderness and begging my parents to let me take the snails I found in the creek home with me-I am also hit with the thoughts of what he did not get to experience. His life was cut short 5 months shy of the turn of the millennium. When he was really sick, I remember thinking and hoping that he might be able to just wait until January, after all the millennium was a big deal and Y2K was going to end the world anyway. That would be such a better way to go. I balance these thoughts with the things that he was spared from seeing, like 9/11. A patriot at heart, he would have been so stricken to watch those towers fall. I also remember all of the joy that he did see in his life. A 50 year marriage to a wonderful woman, 9 children, countless grand and great-grandchildren who adore him. He lived through so much of history including many wars including the second world war, vietnam, the korean war, and the cold war; he saw the space race, the JFK assassination, watergate, and worked in the White House. He was left-handed. He always pointed with his left hand, thumb and index finger outstretched. That mannerism has been passed onto so many of our family members, myself, Carson, & Bailey included. It is a wonderful reminder of him each time I catch myself doing so. With all the reflection on such a great man, I can confidently say that he lived a full life, and that everyone who was touched by him, is better for it. I look forward to teaching Jackson about him and letting him in on a big piece of where he came from.

So this uploaded about 100 times without the text and 3 other photos. woopsiiie. stupid tumblr.

It was supposed to be about how I went into the office this morning and my friend Emily’s baby Ben was there! He has a natural mohawk so I like to call him “benny mohawk.” he rocks.

YOU GUYS!!! Thank you SO much for all of the advice on increasing my milk supply! With all of your helpful tips I am happy to say that we are back in business! I nursed a TON, pumped after and between each feeding (ouchie), drank mothers milk tea and water only, and  took fenugreek pills for a couple of days (until my pup got a hold of it and ATE the ENTIRE bottle…now she walks around smelling like curry powder as she sweats it out (?). I call her my Indian princess). I was just able to pump 4 oz. AND nurse Jackson for a long feeding. I feel like I can even hook the pump back up and get more too! You guys are wonderful!