On Motherhood


I spend a good portion of my day wondering what in the world I have done to deserve the privilege of being this boy’s mama. From the day he was born I have been pondering what good deed I could have committed in order to be rewarded so handsomely. That’s the funny thing about babies. From their first moments in this world they have a way of making you wonder how you ever lived before them, while simultaneously trying to figure out just what you did that brought you to such a beautiful place. You are instantly catapulted into the strongest, most instantaneous love you have ever felt, and you move forward, through the sleepy newborn phase and wake up in toddlerhood, wondering just how the hell you got here with this walking, talking opinionated KID, and why the heck it seems like just yesterday that they were placed warm & slippery on your chest for the first time. 


And sure, there is a great deal of responsibility that comes along with being a mama.  A crushing amount of responsibility. (you mean I’m supposed to provide for their every need, keep them safe, AND make him into a productive member of society?!!!) But I’ll let you in on a little secret – it is the most joyful responsibility on this planet. I have never been entrusted with such an important job in my life until him.  I have never thrown myself so completely into my “work.” And never have I felt the level of confidence and self-assurance that I do being his mother. I don’t think another person on this planet can offer him the lessons and experience and knowledge I can. After all, we were made for each other, him and I.


I am absolutely, 100% positive that I am doing something right. Look at him.  He is so cute it actually physically hurts sometimes.  I mean, I can literally explode. But he is smart too. And kind. And FUNNY. And I don’t think I can even begin to take credit for all of that. But somewhere inside of him is a piece of me. And he is 100% good, so I must be doing something right, here.


The tiniest things in the world really do bring the most joy. The most rock-me-to-my-core-capture-my-entire-soul-I-would-do-anything-for-you type of joy. I swear, I haven’t smiled or laughed as much in my entire life, as I have these past 22 months.  And even with the responsibility of raising a man (and not just any man – but a GOOD man), I would never trade one day of this wonderful journey we are walking together. Time and again I realize that while I am teaching him numbers and colors and even bigger things like friendship and empathy, he really is the one teaching me. All of the wisdom and humility in this world is packed into 32 lbs of cute, and I am so damn lucky to take it all in every day.


And while I may not hold all of the answers on how to be the best parent, the one thing in this world I am sure of is that while I might not have done anything spectacular to deserve the joy that comes in being his mom, I know that he is the most spectacular thing I have ever done.

This little cutie is TWENTY TWO months old today! Just two months from his second birthday. I can’t even believe how much he has grown in recent weeks.  His language has exploded, and he speaks in full sentences, perfectly able to articulate his desires and needs.  He has begun potty training and is really great with going #2, but we aren’t really forcing the issue at this point.  While some of Jackson’s attributes make it so evident that he is becoming a big kid, there are pieces of baby dispersed throughout his personality that serve as a welcome reminder that he is still part baby.  He loves his paci (this one I could actually live without), and is the sweetest, snuggliest, loving little bug on the planet (all of these I wish to stay forever).

Jack loves anything that is classically “boyish.” He is obsessed with tractors, trucks, cards, motorcycles, firetrucks, airplanes, and being generally destructive to his safety. He started swimming lessons last month and is loving the opportunity to be in the water once a week.  He can wall walk with his hands all on his own, and knows how to get himself out of the pool if he were to fall in. It’s pretty incredible.

He also has the w.o.r.s.t. tantrums in the entire universe. This is no exaggeration. He goes from “milk” to “MILK!!!” to high pitched screeching screaming dying “MMMMMIIIIIIILLLLLLLKKKKKKK!!!!!!” (The agonizing scream that makes you want to instantly punch yourself in the face). All I have to do is say “How do we ask for milk?” and he stops and sweetly says “Milk, pleeeasseeee?” and all is forgiven.  He also has grown rather fond of a few choice words that I regret ever flying out of my mouth (damnit and shit are at the top of the list…). And he loves to hit – only me though.

In short, we are really settling into toddlerhood and actually enjoying all of the trials that come from a tiny being with no outlet for expression of emotions.  We are learning the best ways to explain things in toddler terms and what works for us and Jackson in terms of discipline (time out is really working for us these days – he actually understands that he is in trouble, and we always have a conversation about what behavior should be altered). Each day we get to spend as his parents is such a privilege, and I have never been given a job that I love more than this one!


There was a tractor at the park yesterday.  Can you guess what Jackson wanted to do the whole time ;)?

Happy Valentine’s Day!


The cutest, messy-haired, one-eyed Love Bandit

Cute Things


This little guy.  He is rocking my world these days.  I say it with each passing stage, that this one is my favorite.  I loved the sleepy newborn, with all of the grunts and stretching.  I was enamored with the curious infant, giggling and grasping, which led to the love of an equally curious toddler.  Right now, here is what I am loving:


Tiny valentine’s. J has his first valentine’s day party ever at school tomorrow, and he was instructed to bring valentine’s for his class. Melissa posted these tiny, adorable valentine’s from Minted on her blog last week, and I knew we had to get them for the party.


Independent Play.  Jackson has always been amazing at keeping himself occupied, but at this age, it just seems so much more fun to listen to his imagination grow. He will make up stories as he goes along, create train noises, and talk about what he is “cooting” (cooking).


A kid who makes funny faces.  He also looks at the camera and says “CHEEEEESE!!!!” which results in some of the most precious and adorable photos.


Puppy love. No explanation necessary.


Bath time.  While baths have seemed like such a chore, we are in a really great place with bath time right now.  Jackson loves to pretend like he’s “fwimmin’” (thank you, swim lessons, for all of the heart attacks and near-drownings). The funniest bath time experience these days, though, is his obsession with not turning the faucet off.  He stands up, turns it on, but isn’t that strong so it’s freezing cold. He doesn’t mind one bit – he likes to stick his little hand underneath, and shiver uncontrollably and scream “COOOOOLLLDDD!!!”



Did I mention that he also likes to shove his feet under the faucet?


The fun can only last for a few minutes before I have to pull a shivering boy reluctantly from the water, because, you know, I don’t want him getting hypothermia and all.

We are closing in on 22 months here in a few days, and I can’t even fathom that this boy has been here for the better part of two years. At the same time, I can’t imagine that I ever existed without him.

The City by the Bay

I love San Francisco.  I first visited 10 years ago with my two high school bff’s. While most other kids in our graduating class were going to Myrtle Beach, SC for ‘beach week,’ we had no interest, and instead jetted across the country to visit San Francisco & Santa Cruz.  It was lovely. I’ve had nothing but love for San Francisco since we left a decade ago, and have always wanted to go back.  This weekend, Zac & I hopped on a dusk flight across the country, chased the sunset,and spent the weekend in the city. 


He had never been, so I felt like we needed to do as much as possible.  We got a hotel in Fisherman’s Wharf, and on Saturday we set out on a crazy, fun-filled, and GRUELING itinerary of ‘lets see where our feet can take us, and just be surprised.’ My favorite kind of travel – go where the wind takes you, and discover new things. 

First thing in the morning we walked through fisherman’s wharf along the piers.  We made a stop a the famed Pier 39 so Zac could see the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, and the Bay Bride for the first time. We also had fun watching the sea lions.





After breakfast, we set out on foot to explore, we made our way along Lombard St. for awhile and set off on an uphill journey.We started seeing signs for the Coit Memorial Tower, which I had never been inside, and continued uphill for a grueling walk that my legs are hating me for today.

There was a steep staircase that we climbed, and caught the morning light filtering through the trees exposing a bit of the famous tower.


When we finally reached the top, we ventured inside to check out the murals and purchase tickets to head up to the top of the tower, for some exquisite 360 views of the city.




The tower itself is kind of…smelly.  It kind of smells like a hundred cats inhabit it on the off hours, but I can confidently say it was well-worth the scent for the views.  We were lucky to visit on such a clear day, and I was in awe by the views of the city and all of the landmarks:




After we had our fill of the views, we hopped on a muni bus and rode around for about 10 minutes before deciding to hop off and continue our foot journey, agreeing not to take too many more uphill journeys 😉




We happened upon China Town, which happens to be one of my most favorite places from my visit to San Francisco a decade ago. We meandered the streets, and purchased a little china outfit for our boy.




Next we wandered around for awhile, had a couple of beers at O’Reilly’s Irish Pub, and hailed a cab to Haight-Ashbury, my other favorite place from my last trip!


We wandered around many shops, stopped for another cold beverage & lunch, and decided to walk and figure out what else we could find in this city.

I must say that I love the culture of San Francisco.  Anywhere you look you might see a ritzy townhome next to a graffiti mural, or even quotes taped to the sidewalk:



We walked for HOURS (again, legs hate me now), and happened upon Market Street. We walked past UN Plaza, through all of the shops, and through the financial district. 


We finally made it back to Fisherman’s Wharf and did another walk-through to see the golden gate at sunset, and made a quick trip to Ghiradelli Square.



We were originally set to fly out on Sunday morning, but after looking at the flight loads, we decided to hop on the red-eye last night, which was actually nightmarish.  We got to the airport for an 11:30 departure at 8:30 (totally thought it would take longer to get through security, but we were at the gate by 8:45) and realized that the flight was delayed until 1:30 AM.  We sat around the airport for 5 1/2 hours before boarding and didn’t actually take off until 2:30 AM. We chased the sunrise on the way home, above the clouds once more, and landed in DC around 10:30 AM. Full Circle.


It was truly a whirlwind trip, and though we missed our boy like crazy, I was so pleased to be away with my husband, and happy that we were able to squeeze SO much fun into 24 hours!

The hubby & I are trying to catch a flight to San Francisco for the weekend, and while I am ecstatic at the prospect of exploring my favorite city with my man, who, by the way, has NEVER been, I am also sad to leave this handsome face behind with Grandma & Grandpa.  I know he will have the most fun time, and that he will barely even realize that we are away, but that doesn’t mean I will miss him any less.  Have a lovely weekend, and if you want to follow our adventures on the west coast this weekend, you can find me on instagram at christylately


PS – I got a fancy new camera, doesn’t it take lovely photos?!

Littly Ricky!

Everyone knows that when a friend gives birth that it is special. Only enhanced by having been there before. What is even more special is when your oldest friend has a baby.  I have known Tanya my entire life. Literally. Growing up, she was my girlfriend down the street. We have shared countless sleepovers, talent show performances (don’t even ask…), and she is one of the few people I know that I can, literally, laugh with for HOURS about nothing. Serious, uncontrollable laughter.  Hysteria. Whenever I hear the song “lean on me”, its this girl that pops into my mind, reminiscent of a slumber party at my house long ago where we belted out the lyrics for hours until they were memorized. The sentiment of the song has held true for us over the years too. True friend. Always there. Through new life, loss of life, and a whole lotta love.  Last Thursday my Tanya welcomed her first born into the world, a seriously delicious little love bug named after his daddy. I rushed to the hospital on Friday with a handmade quilt in hand and settled in for my first snuggle sesh with the little dude. This was made even more special because he was born in the very room that my special little dude was born in.  (Hospitals are a crazy place.  I have said goodbye to the best lady I knew in that hospital, but also have said hello for the first time to so many lovely bundles.  The good definitely wins).

Get ready for all sorts of squealing and exciting noises to come out of you, because I don’t think words can even brace you for all of the cute you’re about to see. Consider yourself warned:


^He is totally ready for his modeling debut!

Cute, right?!!