Gender Predictions

There are certain groups of people in this world that enjoy the added surprise of finding out their child’s gender on their birth day. I am not one of those people. I have a need to know. Always.  With Jackson, I didn’t need a 20 week ultrasound to tell me  that I was having a boy. I knew he was a boy.  This entire pregnancy so far (17 weeks! woo!), I have felt like I’m having a girl, but I don’t, by any means, know. (Does that even make any sense?) I attribute this to the fact that I have always thought of my two children as one boy, one girl – boy first.  We satisfied the boy and boy first requirements, so in a way I think my mind, based on lifelong imaginations, is telling me that it just has to be a girl.  In truth, I really have no idea.  This pregnancy is completely opposite of the last one, so that must mean that the genders will be opposite too, right? RIGHT!?!!!?

At 17 weeks, I am going for an appointment with my OB today, but unfortunately, it won’t be an ultrasound – I have to wait FOUR MORE WEEKS for that appointment (believe me though, i am going to do everything in my power to make that three weeks instead of four haha!). So, in the meantime, I have been reading up on old wives tale methods of gender prediction, and have tried a few things out!

Test #1: Lunar Calendar

I think we all have to know this method by now. Mother’s age at date of conception = gender of baby. With Jackson it was spot-on. Out came a boy on April 17th.  This time, it says girl!

Test #2: Intelligender OTC Gender Predictor

I saw these in every drugstore when pregnant with Jackson, and was actually able to resist the temptation, but this time I kept thinking “its only $30.00…it’ll be a fun little experiment!” so in my basket it went.  I took this test according to the exact instructions and the result was: boy!

Test #3: Drano Test

This test has been around for decades, and supposedly, is thought to be the most accurate. In truth, it seems a bit silly, but you mix 2 tbsp of drano crystals (NOT the liquid) with 3 oz. of first morning’s urine, and supposedly the color within 10 seconds of testing will tell you boy or girl (gold/green for girl blue/brown for boy). It has a strong chemical reaction that no pregnant woman should breathe in, and the experiment MUST be done outdoors due to the fumes.  So if you do it by yourself, pour in the pee and run. I had my hubby take care of the mixing. I did this experiment two days in a row, and both times got a gold result: girl!

So, in closing, I still have no idea of what gender this thing might be. I am accepting bets. Oh, and you’re welcome for all of the pictures of my pee & various chemical reactions. I know you were all on the edge of your seats waiting for those ;).

2 thoughts on “Gender Predictions

    • My earlier ultrasound pics were so early that it literally looked like a crustacean! What is this nub theory? I find out a week from wednesday, and can NOT wait! Now I am thinking its another boy! Congrats on your little too!:)

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